Amartextile Surat a leadingdistributor manufacturer supplier in all kinds ofGanpati pandals MahalaxmiMakar we are suppliers of heavy cloth only and do notmake any kind of productwhich is of cheap quality the life of our Makar can beused easily for 3 years 4years all fabrics used are colour guaranteed we havean exclusive range oflatest designs and are a manufacture since last 30 yearswe will be happy toserve you please contact us on our phone numbers to becomeour distributor orfranchise partner
Our product is available indifferent size with average heightof 7 feets we can make any design as percustomise requirement fabric used inmanufacturing is 24 gauge lycra and on thetop of the 14 kg Taiwan we useembroidery cloth of minimum rupees 80 per metreso as to ensure best designsand look in pandals